Writes and speaks about living a good life, overcoming our limitations and what makes it worthwhile. He produces live events and uses what ever means possible to tell a good story. He loves a laugh, and lives in Melbourne Australia.
Writer | Speaker | Producer
Writes and speaks about living a good life, overcoming our limitations and what makes it worthwhile. He produces live events and uses what ever means possible to tell a good story. He loves a laugh, and lives in Melbourne Australia.
Writes and speaks about living a good life, overcoming our limitations and what makes it worthwhile. He produces live events and uses what ever means possible to tell a good story. He loves a laugh, and lives in Melbourne Australia.
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Quotes That Changed My Life
Many quotes from famous thinkers have been splashed on the internet and social media in the current cultural landscape of vaccinations and pandemics and ensuring economic upheaval. They have been used as verbal grenades to lob at the other side in arguments that have been polarised into straightforward black and white world views. Yet my history shows – it is all too easy to neglect the substance of the quote and its equal vitality to our viewpoint.
What is the quote that changed my life and could you use it too?
The Fast Three
Fast and Furious – Three Short Fast Bits to Change Your Life that pack a punch.
The Stasi, Crabs & Cooked Frogs
When we watch a movie about a hero who stands up to authority and puts it all on the line to create a better life, we all imagine that we are that hero. But, unfortunately, history shows that, more likely, we will fall short of that mark.
“Beware High Minded Lunacy”
In my last post, “Will Destiny Prove You, Hero?” I explored how we judge history and often look for simplistic ideas to solve its inherited problems. And more often than not, take a quick fix rather than the more difficult questions and solutions. I looked at how we forget that we too have flaws and fail to see how history will comment on us – if it comments at all. I also explored the substance of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s famous saying,
“A man’s shortcomings are taken from his epoch; his virtues and greatness belong to himself.”
This week, as a bookend perhaps or a cousin of ideas, I will delve into the concept of “High Minded Lunacy” and its resultant impact on our macro and personal worlds, what may cause it and some ideas on avoidance.
Something’s to think about – Enjoy.
Let’s get into it.
“Seven Resolution Foundations”
Either by choice or our cultural environment, this time of year, we look back at the last year and look forward to the next. We start to think about how we would like next year to be different, better, and our lives to be improved. We will make a list either on paper or at least mentally in our heads, of the things we want to look back on in twelve months and be pleased. However, we will also be aware that by the third week of January, for many, those resolutions will already be assigned to the dust bin of history.
If those resolutions are built on sound foundations, not only do you increase the chance of success, but you will have foundations that will last a lifetime.
Right here we go, and don’t worry it gets easier….Pressure is the force applied perpendicular to the surface of an object per unit area over which that force is distributed… Well, that’s the start of the technical definition anyway. We all know what it feels like to be under pressure, use it to motivate someone to action, or see our doctor smile when our blood readings are AOK. But what happens when that pressure is changed suddenly ? What are its impacts? And how can we use it?
Time For Laughter – Its Christmas
Laughter makes everything better… what more can be said – Its Christmas Time. Make sure you click the image. Have a Great One.
Quotes That Changed Life Part Two
On January the 1st, 2017, I sat down to read the first page of The Daily Stoic. A book that features 366 meditations on wisdom, perseverance, and the art of living. The first day held a quote that summarised everything I’d learnt in the previous twenty-five years. So simple, powerful yet can change a life, The ideas written nearly 2000 years ago contained inside are helpful at any time, but now more than ever – Enjoy.