“Reflections From My Garden.”

When life gets a little tough, I take time out in my garden. I find it calms the spirit and invigorates the soul. It is a constant reminder of the cycles of life and difficult times are a mere speck of dust in universal time. Life given the chance will always win out, as will joy and happiness. Enjoy…

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Forty-Eight Things I Learnt in 2021

December 31st is the usual time to write articles that look back at the recent year and reflect on any learnings, worthwhile adventures, or promises made or unmade. However, since I wrote the article Time for Action and Contemplation back in October, my mind has been focused on what the year has meant and what next year may bring. As I have mentioned to many friends over this year, a week is a long time in CovidLand, and I feel this year, for the most part, has closed already. Yet, it still may have a few surprises left. However, it is time to start the process of what it has meant to ourselves and how we may use its events and happenings to advance our lives into the next year and beyond. Something's to think about - Enjoy.

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I had that sinking feeling that I was facing a problem not of my making but my responsibility. Barack Obama once remarked as president, all the straightforward decisions with good outcomes were always made before any got to him. So he was always left with difficult choices that no one wanted to make — often with no possible good outcome.

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Right here we go, and don't worry it gets easier....Pressure is the force applied perpendicular to the surface of an object per unit area over which that force is distributed... Well, that's the start of the technical definition anyway. We all know what it feels like to be under pressure, use it to motivate someone to action, or see our doctor smile when our blood readings are AOK. But what happens when that pressure is changed suddenly ? What are its impacts? And how can we use it?

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Myths and Symbols

"Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand dollars per annum is what you should earn, at least at the start. We will pay for the setup, finance the business, it will be your show, but we will be the foundations if you need it. We want this set of clients, and you are one of the few people with the skill level we would trust to make this happen."

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Three Fundamentals

Interviewers have numerous techniques for getting the guests to talk, and it begins with how they ask questions. One trick they learn is to refrain from asking questions that only require a yes/no response; they end up where they started with no conversation and the risk of "dead air". Hence a prepared interviewer will avoid this at all costs. One of their most common techniques is to ask the list type question. What music would you take to a desert island? Top three books you read this year? And on it goes…

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Thoughts To Ponder

On a recent podcast, Prof Yuval Noah Harari discussed the concept of boredom and how we avoid it at all costs and yet it can be one of the most valuable experiences. To have time to wander around topics of interest without looking for a particular answer or end game - can lead to creating space in our minds to discover the new.

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Life itself has three parts - birth, life and death. Our bankers ever afraid of fraud created a banker’s 3 with a flat “top” to stop it being changed into an eight. And for those of us who are religious in nature many religions have Triple Gods - The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost, in Christianity and the Hindu Trimurti with Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. So today again we have three fast, easy to read, potentially life changing ideas to ponder, raise questions and absorb or reject. You won’t be bored.

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